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Beschreibung: Mario Camerini's THE MILLER'S BEAUTIFUL WIFE (LA BELLA MUGNAIA) is the movie adaptation of the stage play success of Alessandro Cassona. In the program is mentioned the information that in Athens it was played in the National Theater with Mary Aroni. The story of the play is placed around the 1600 when Naples was under Spanish occupation. In the center is a devilish woman who manages to prevail with her smarts and her charms. Camerini manages to render "the humor and freshness of the stage play with a wealth of director improvisations with a brilliant quickness". Camerini made a series of witty satires during the '30s, a time when the Italian cinema was in the service of the fascist dictates. The film that established the name of Camerini is THE MISERABLE MEN with starring De Sica, Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. Other films of his are I PROMESSI SPOSI (1941), A ROMANTIC ADVENTURE (1941), THE STREET HAS MANY DREAMS (1948), IL BRIGANTE MUSSOLINO) (THE OUTLAW GIRL) (1950), WIFE FOR A NIGHT (1954). The program closes with reference to the movie career of Sophia Loren.
Anbieter: Tainiothiki tis Ellados